Τετάρτη 4 Μαΐου 2016

Θέλει μεγάλη μαγκιά για να πεις μέσα στο Τουρκικό κοινοβούλιο αυτά που είπε ο Ferhat Encu Κούρδος Βουλευτής του HDP.

The Kurdish MP from HDP party, Ferhat Encu made a powerful speech yesterday and was attacked for by the Turkish MP shouting to be shot inside the parliament. Encu mentioned the fact that Turkish military is committing Genocide against the Kurdish population and what is today called "Turkey" is the stolen land of Greeks, Armenian and Kurds, and said "We Kurds live in Kurdistan, and when we lived in this land, you Turks were in Mongolia busy gathering grass for your horses, this is our land and we will stay here. Modern Turkey is less than 100 years old, while Kurdistan is more than 5000 years old and there are dozens of ancient Greek text that mention the name of Kurds and Kurdistan, while the name of Turks only appeared on the history book less than 1000 years ago.

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