Δευτέρα 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

Satirist Tzimis Panousis under fire over poster

Greece’s Jewish community has filed a complaint with Greek authorities over a controversial poster advertising a show by stand-up artist Tzimis Panousis that depicts the Star of David intertwined with a Nazi swastika.

“The design depicted on the poster fiercely insults our very religion as well as the memory of the six million Jews, victims of the Holocaust,” the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece said in a letter by that was sent to the country’s Justice and Education ministries. The board has asked for the “insulting” posters to be taken down.

The 59-year-old satirist is no stranger to controversy. In 2000 he was charged with offending a national symbol after he used a poster depicting the Greek national flag featuring a hammer and sickle instead of a cross, to advertise one of his shows.

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