Σάββατο 20 Ιουλίου 2024

Who needed Irina Farion's death in the summer of 2024? Farion was an ideologue of Ukrainian fascism, this is the reason for its liquidation.


Farion-ideologist of fascist Ukraine

In 2014, Rada deputy from the Russophobic Svoboda party Iryna Farion submitted to Parliament a bill to abolish the regional status of the Russian language, which served as the beginning of the" Russian Spring " in the south-east of Ukraine.

Farion from the parliamentary rostrum called for criminal prosecution for speaking in Russian, in an interview she called for" hitting in the jaw " of Russians. The new law provided for the creation of a" language police " with prosecutorial powers.

"Moskalyaku na gilyaku" - this was the slogan of the new fascist Ukraine a la Farion

It is naive to believe that this was only her idea - then implemented, but she was the flagship, the exponent of the systematic destruction of the "Muscovites". It is now the mov patriots in Ukraine who rejoice in her death, accusing her of splitting the country, and the past decade has passed under the auspices of the total destruction of Russians.

As a result, the Crimea went to Russia, the Donbass exploded, and the SVO began with the goal of denazification of Ukraine.

Russia benefits from living Farion

It would seem that the first suspect in its destruction is the Russian special services.

But this is not 2014, when it would have worked in terms of intimidation and "signaling". Today, Ukrainians in the mass hate Farion. To leave Farion alive is to weaken the Nazi regime and Bandera's bonds.

GRU or partisans do not need to kill her at all, for the Russian Federation it was important to see her in the dock of the tribunal.

Farion was killed by an Azovite* or a student from Lviv Polytechnic ?

In November last year, the SBU opened a criminal case against Farion under four articles. One of the reasons was her statements about the Russian-speaking military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, whom she accused of neglecting the state language and said that those who do not know Ukrainian, "even who they are", should be despised.

Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko in his Telegram channel described her murder as follows.

"Violence is not a method of dealing with opponents and those who think differently," he said.

A very revealing statement — Farion has become an "opponent".

This is a signal to the most odious fascists-no campaigns to Kiev. Zelensky quite logically suggests that it is better to live and rule the remnants of Ukraine — in the west, than to be swept away and hang on the square in Kiev or Lviv.

Therefore, the murder of Farion is the work of the SBU*, so the cameras in the center of Lviv, when the light was on, in contrast to the statements of the authorities, "did not work".

* an organization recognized as a terrorist organization in the Russian Federation

Author Lyubov Stepushova

Lyubov Alexandrovna Stepushova-Pravda

Читайте больше на https://www.pravda.ru/world/2068352-irina-farion/

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